A/B Testing for Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) have become essential in today’s modern world, benefiting industries of all sizes. These innovative platforms significantly improve technical capabilities, empower organizations, and efficiently manage businesses.

Many companies have successfully leveraged this advanced platform to attract their target audiences and enhance user experiences. PWAs are easy to develop and require minimal testing and maintenance efforts after deployment. In this web blog, we will offer you a comprehensive discussion on Progressive Web Apps. Also, read along to know how to effectively implement A/B testing for PWAs.

What are Progressive Web Apps?

Simply put, progressive web apps (PWAs) are mobile-friendly websites designed to provide users with a native app-like experience. The great thing about PWAs is that they can be accessed directly from a web browser.

To access the product more easily, you can add its Progressive Web Application (PWA) to your home screen. Many companies opt for PWAs because they rely less on specific operating systems. Also, PWAs can be supported on multiple platforms using popular technologies like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are easily accessible via a URL and do not require significant storage space on devices like native apps. This makes PWAs convenient for customers with limited device storage.

A/B Testing Statistics

Why do you need A/B Testing for Progressive Web Apps?

A/B testing for progressive web apps is important due to the below-mentioned reasons-

Improved analysis

By conducting A/B testing for PWAs, you can obtain definitive results and continue refining your analysis going forward. Identifying the winning variant is relatively straightforward since it relies on observed user behavior data.

Tests specific pages

If you only need to test certain web pages of your app, A/B testing is a great option. Instead of having to test the entire app, you can focus on specific web pages and save time, money, and effort. A/B testing also allows for easy experimentation with new ideas and innovations.

Enhance user engagement

A/B testing for PWAs offers a key advantage by enhancing user engagement. This strategy enables you to swiftly identify the preferences of your target audience, such as color choices and layout designs. By comprehending user behavior and implementing these desired changes, you can effortlessly elevate the user experience of your web applications.

Boosts conversion rates

By comparing different versions and measuring visitor responses, you can determine what elements work best and keep users engaged for longer periods of time. This decreases bounce rates and ultimately leads to increased conversion rates, resulting in higher profits.

What are the Factors to test for Progressive Web App Testing

Here are the 8 factors to test for A/B testing for PWAs

1. Responsive Web pages

It is crucial to ensure that your web application functions responsively on both desktop and mobile devices during the development phase.

2. HTTPS presented sites

Ensuring safety is crucial for a progressive web application. To achieve this, it is important to serve your web app over HTTPS. There are several tools available, such as Lighthouse developed by Google, seositecheckup, SSL labs, jitbit, DigiCert, and SSL shopper that can help you test whether your web app is served over HTTPS or not.

3. Offline caching and installability

Unlike traditional web applications, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) have the ability to function seamlessly even without an internet connection. This is made possible by utilizing a service worker, which enables offline capabilities. It is important to ensure that these offline functionalities are properly tested by simulating limited or no network connectivity.

Another significant advantage of PWAs over regular web apps is their installability. When users install your PWA on their mobile devices, they are more likely to engage with it frequently. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that every new version of your PWA is easily installable for enhanced user experience.

4. Sensor Integration

Does your Progressive Web App function properly with the camera and microphone capabilities of a web browser? PWA has integration with sensors. If your PWA utilizes sensors, it is crucial to include thorough testing and automation for that functionality.

5. Push Notifications

Does your Progressive Web App (PWA) effectively deliver push notifications in a browser? Unlike regular web apps, PWAs have the advantage of being able to deploy push notifications. If your PWA utilizes push notifications, ensure that you thoroughly test and automate the process to avoid any missed notifications.

6. URL included pages

Every page of your web application should have a unique URL to ensure proper functionality. To test this, you can check that each page has a clickable URL and is shareable on social media or other platforms. The URLs should open seamlessly in modern browsers.

7. Easy to share

Content needs to be easily shareable, even in full-screen mode, and it should be compatible with different social media platforms. You can test this by sharing content from full-screen mode yourself.

8. Structured Data(schema)

To enhance the visibility of your website on search engines, your web application should have the ability to create a rich card when necessary. To test this functionality, you can utilize Google’s structured data to ensure that essential elements like descriptions, images, and titles are properly displayed. All these steps are factors taken into consideration by top PWA development company all over the world.

PWA Development Guide: Creating Progressive Web Apps

A/B Testing for PWAs

One of the most important phases is to test the progressive web app. It contributes to a better client experience and improved conversion rates. Let’s first understand what A/B testing is.

What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing, also known as “split testing,” is a method of conducting experiments to determine which version of an app performs better. In this process, two variants of the app are randomly presented to users in order to identify the superior-performing variant. A/B testing for Progressive Web App (PWAs) utilizes user data and statistical significance to implement the winning version.

To conduct effective A/B testing, it is important to have experienced developers or UX researchers who can carry out multiple split tests. Alternatively, you can save time and resources by hiring PWA developers from an experienced progressive web app development company like Nevina Infotech.

Magento PWA Compatibility

What are the Steps to Implement A/B testing for PWAs?

Now that we have explored progressive web apps and A/B testing let’s dive into the process of deploying an A/B test experiment for optimal results. Below are the steps for A/B Testing for Progressive Web Apps-

1. Set the benchmark parameters

It is important to analyze the current state of your app and what are the benchmarks you want to achieve. Analyzing current user data is crucial for identifying strengths and weaknesses within your app. You can then go for designing the experiment based on this preliminary analysis.

2. Understand your goals

When it comes to testing progressive web apps, the second important step is to identify your goals. By determining specific goals beforehand, you can easily prioritize and define the scope of your experience. The specific objective will vary depending on the intended audience and the type of business model, such as whether your business is focused on direct consumer sales (B2C) or targeting other businesses (B2B).

Let’s take examples of different businesses to illustrate the point. An eCommerce company, for instance, might prioritize enhancing the conversion rate and ensuring successful checkouts. On the other hand, a media organization might seek to maximize article sharing across various social media platforms. Similarly, in a gaming app, strategically managing pop-up banners can significantly enhance player engagement.

3. Be ready with a hypothesis

To effectively go for progressive web app testing, it’s important to first identify the main objectives. Once that’s done, you can proceed with listing ideas for A/B test variations. For each idea, provide clear reasons explaining why it’s an improvement over the existing version. To optimize this process, prioritize the ideas based on their impact on the business, app-specific key performance indicators (KPIs), and implementation difficulty level

4. Develop variations

Now, you’ll need to make modifications to your custom web app based on your hypothesis. These modifications can be as simple as changing the color scheme, re­arranging menu options, or hiding certain buttons. There are tools available in the market that can help you easily make these changes.

5. Time to run the experiment

After you have created the variation, you can proceed with the experiment. Randomly assign web app traffic to either use the original or control version of the app and the proposed variation.

It’s important to conduct experiments only when there is a sufficient number of users interacting with the app. Otherwise, the data collected from the experiment may hold little value.

6. Check the results

Lastly, it is important to analyze the results of the experiment. Separate the data from the experiment using the testing tool that was deployed and evaluate the performance of both versions. By determining the statistical significance of your findings, you can confidently identify which variant of the progressive web app is superior. If your initial hypothesis proves successful, proceed with implementing the change accordingly. But, if the data suggests otherwise, it may be necessary to formulate a new hypothesis and begin anew.

If conducting regular progressive app testing seems overwhelming, you have the option to hire PWA developers from external development partners. This allows you to quickly begin the testing process. It is important to hire skilled professionals with extensive knowledge and years of experience in order to ensure optimal results.

AI in Front-end Web Development


The increasing accessibility of the Internet and the availability of digital services are key factors contributing to the rapid growth in smartphone usage. As more people have access to smartphones, ensuring a positive customer experience becomes ever more crucial. Right now, Progressive web applications are the trendiest in the online market because they bring uniformity between native and web applications.

With the increasing demand for progressive web application development, companies are inclined to perform A/B testing on their apps. This allows them to choose the version that will provide better user engagement and conversion rates, ultimately benefiting the users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Progressive Web Apps?

Here are the three benefits of progressive web apps-
The speed of progressive web apps is a crucial characteristic. Research indicates that when the loading time of mobile websites increases from 1 second to 3 seconds, the bounce rate increases by 6%.
Connectivity independent
It can be incredibly frustrating when you’re unable to operate applications because of poor network connections. However, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) provide users with the freedom to stay connected regardless of slow network connectivity. These web apps are designed to still load even in challenging network conditions.
Progressive web apps provide easy accessibility and convenient usage for users. You can access them directly from your home screen or install them on your phone.

What are the services offered by progressive web apps agencies?

Agencies specializing in progressive web apps (PWAs) provide a wide array of services to assist businesses with developing and enhancing their PWAs. These services typically encompass PWA development, responsive design, offline functionality, push notifications, and performance optimization. Also, these agencies offer expertise in service workers, web app manifest files, and user experience improvements to ensure a smooth and captivating user experience across different devices and platforms.

Why should I hire a PWA developer in India?

You should hire a PWA developer in India because they offer a cost-effective solution. With a large talent pool of skilled developers specializing in PWA development, you can expect high-quality work and timely delivery. Indian developers are known for their strong work ethic, making them an excellent choice for PWA projects.

What are the benefits of a custom web app?

Custom web apps provide personalized solutions that perfectly fit your specific business needs. They enhance efficiency, scalability, and user experience by offering tailored features, robust data security measures, and the ability to adapt as your business evolves. With custom web apps, you can gain a competitive edge in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Why does my business need website development services?

The importance of website development services for your business, Developing a website is essential in today’s digital landscape as it enables you to establish a strong online presence. By having a well-designed website, you can showcase your products or services effectively and build credibility with potential customers. Also, having e-commerce functionality on your website can greatly facilitate business growth and increase brand recognition.

Read More:-

  1. How Much Does Progressive Web App Development Cost In 2023?
  2. Top PWA Frameworks for Progressive Web App Development
  3. Top eCommerce Trends That Will Shape 2023 and Future
Rahim Ladhani

Rahim Ladhani

CEO and Managing Director

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