Code Refactoring in Software Development-1

Finally, the project is completed without any errors and well-tested within the given time. Its outcome has even got your client’s approval to deploy it at its final stage. But, does internally developed software have a perfect structure like the software developers want?

As we look through the software development process, it’s generally completed within a limited budget and a handful of times, compromising on the quality of the code’s functionality. Thankfully, the features cover up the code structure and its errors as it provides a user interface.

Even so, the program has been deployed successfully and it is functioning great. Yet, there remains a bit of thought for any hired dedicated developer to enhance code design without affecting external features, which seems trickiest enough not to toy with.

That is why refactoring in software development is a quick fix to organize the codes while preventing any alteration in the program’s external behavior. Code refactoring from a software testing QA company shapes the structure properly to simplify its maintenance, clean, and efficient use.

Code refactoring goes way deep concept-wise. As it can revamp the layout, refactoring has particular significance, reasons, and methods to apply, which we will read as you scroll further.

What is Code Refactoring?

Even if it sounds like a task of ‘delete and replace’ codes, it is complex to debug and retest the structure. The reason is that refactoring in software development is a method of modifying the code structure, existing design, and performance aside from altering the external features.

In a few words, it is a rework of codes to improvise the overall software or application’s functionality by avoiding the changes in the surface-level features. On top of that, these changes are hidden from users’ view.

Refactoring techniques offer a way for software developers to make the necessary changes in case the program lacks the expected speed and functionality. Since these techniques and tools help in identifying the bugs, codes can eventually become manageable and readable, making it easier for the application’s maintenance and support.

Role of Code Refactoring in Software Development

1. Maintains Clean Codes

It is a common thing to create software in a rush due to various reasons. Code Refactoring in software development restructures and organizes the code into a clean, neat, and comprehensive manner that can be maintained by other developers as well.

It removes the code smells (an implementation or design issue) through refactoring practices. As you hire software developers, they simplify code logic, enabling code quality in the internal functions.

2. Optimizing Code Performance

Generally, code complexities in software can erupt from any restrictions, delays, or irrelevant code causing hindrances in performance. This gets minimized through refactoring techniques as the developers eliminate the excessive codes or resources that cause a setback in the software performance.

3. Improves Functionality and Scalability

Often, some core areas consume an enormous number of resources, holding down the capacity of the software. Furthermore, inefficient codes or underlying code smells in the design are a huge drawback for the delayed functions. To resolve that, Code refactoring in software development clears such codes for boosting the functional speed and increasing maximum output.

4. Tracks Down Bugs Faster

Structured codes contain a mixed stack of various codes and variables, which also includes a few or more irrelevant codes as well. These codes can give an unlikeable outcome in the output. But, during the execution of code refactoring in software development services, it distributes the codes in units to quickly identify the bugs.

5. Low-Cost Method of Software Upgradation

Technical debt simply refers to additional costs of improvising the overlooked inefficient codes in the future. As more and more technical debt piles up, it equally adds to the expenditure costs by making the code structure more difficult than the initial stage.

To avoid that, refactoring from software testing services reduces this possibility with timely maintenance and clearing of the codes as soon as any bugs or glitches are detected. But, to implement this, hire software developers for refactoring solutions.

Reasons for Code Refactoring in Software

1. Increase in Technical Debt

Once the software is launched and is successfully generating the desirable output, it is generally assumed that it doesn’t need any maintenance services. From there, many developers and companies overlook the need for code refactoring in software development. This method proves to be helpful by preventing excessive expenditures in the future for maintenance and services.

2. Making Code Understandable

It is an intrinsic task in software development. The unnecessary factors such as duplicate codes, additional dependencies, or other things generate code smells. Therefore, it disorganizes the whole software structure. As such, code refactoring resolves these setbacks to make the structure more comprehensive than before.

3. Reduces Costs and Maintenance Scope

In simple terms to make it understandable, as there will be persisting technical debt over time, the more it has the credibility to incur the costs beyond one’s budget.

So, as not to reach this stage, it is better to prevent it by outsourcing software testing companies to hire software developers who have an in-depth understanding of technical debt.

6 Code Refactoring Techniques

1. Simplified Refactoring Methods

  • Simplifying Method Calls Refactoring: When the function is difficult to execute and understand, this method helps in simplifying them for better interactivity within the interface.
  • Simplifying Conditional Expressing: In usual cases, the logic codes become more complex statements in the program. To simplify these codes, this method is used for making them easy to understand.

2. Composing Method

In the process of writing a long program, it usually ends up with other duplicate codes. This further complicates the functionality and understanding.

To reduce duplicate codes, there are two approaches in this method:

  • Extract: In this, first the code is divided into smaller units, which is then resolved with different methods per unit and then replaced with another call.
  • Inline: Generally the program uses various irrelevant methods for each call. So, this method finds all the methods to remove and replace all with a common method content.

3. Refactoring Through Abstraction

This refactoring technique is used by various developers when there is a need for refactoring to a massive extent. It is implemented to deduct the number of duplicate codes in the program such as dependencies, classes, hierarchy, etc. And to replace them with delegation, there and two methods:

  • Pull-up method: It moves some parts of the code to superclass and eliminates duplication.
  • Push-down method: It takes down some parts of the code to subclass and avoids duplication.

4. Red-Green Refactoring Method

Red-Green Refactoring Method

It is the most common method of first testing to design and execute the program. For that reason, it is also a base above all the refactoring techniques. This method is divided into three steps:

  • Red: In the first step, it checks on the areas that need to be developed, which is labeled as failed ‘red-test’.
  • Green: In the second step, it gets altered into the simplest code and then changed into a successful ‘green-test’.
  • Refactor: At the final step, the developer tries to retain the code and keeps improving them for a consistent ‘green-test’ label.

5. Preparatory Method

This basic method adds new features while the application needs to implement code refactoring in software development. The preparatory refactoring technique helps in reducing technical debt in the future by upgrading the software with code revision consistently.

6. Moving Features Between Objects

In this method, it simply adds new classes and moves the functionality between both old and new classes in the meantime. The functionalities are moved depending on their ideal or useful activity in the classes. In case it has not been used over some time, it gets moved to another class and then deleted altogether.

Key Takeaway

Code refactoring in software development is a much-needed renovation to do on a particular project. Considering that nowadays users prefer quick loading functions, refactoring provides a solution to be consistently maintained and tested with time.

In that case, the developers implement required refactoring techniques clear, organize, and retain clean codes by analyzing each area causing a delay in the functionality. This method effectively upgrades the whole internal functions by keeping the external features structure as it is.

However, as simple as it sounds, it becomes draining to spot the codes while repeating the same process with trial-and-test. Experimenting with the structure without awareness equally slows the performance as a consequence. This is why you should avoid such extra steps from a software testing QA company.

For testing services at minimal costs, you should opt for outsourcing software testing companies with a wide range of solutions available.


What are the problems in code refactoring?

Refactoring is a work of precision. Identifying the excessive code smells is not a handy task to do. It requires suitable tools for distinguishing the variables and the appropriate execution of techniques. So if the refactoring method is not implemented with the help of provided tools, they can result in complicating the structure instead.

What is the impact if we don’t use code refactoring?

Programs are structured in a way that consists of various logic codes, feature designs, templates, and other resources to build up a software or application. Overlooking the bugs and errors create a technical debt, leading to reduced productivity and functional inaccuracies. In such situations, Code refactoring in software development becomes a radical solution.

Can refactoring improve software quality?

Code smells are the major underlying cause for any software’s sluggish functionality given that it highlights the factors that are stirring up code or design implementation. Moreover, there can be some problematic areas to cause hindrances in the output. For that reason, refactoring is a recovery way of solving these deal-breaker issues.

How long does code refactoring take?

It depends based on the project and its code structure, it depends on the severity of technical debt. In case there are only minor issues persisting in the software, it would take a minimum of 30-40 mins. In other major cases, it can even take days or weeks to simplify the structure for the developer’s understanding.

Rahim Ladhani

Rahim Ladhani

CEO and Managing Director

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