Java Frameworks

The knowledge of Java Frameworks is an important matrix when hiring a Java programmer online for your business. However, before we move on to understand this in detail, let us have a short snippet of what is a Java framework.

What is Java Framework:

Java Frameworks are nothing but large bodies or classes of pre-written codes. The Java developer adds his own codes to these frameworks to solve the problem. In reality, the frameworks used the codes of the Java Programmer.

Java Frameworks are mainly the substance of the applications. There are many frameworks that supply their own codes that the developer need not do much with the application. A few frameworks are easy to deal with while, some are complex, and only experienced Java developers can understand them.

Frameworks provide you with a strong structure for your application. You select a sturdy framework and you will have a strong program to present to your clients.

There are various kinds of frameworks available and a good Java developer should know which framework to use is what kind of problems. A Java developer comes across plenty of frameworks. Sometimes these structures are so strong that one framework can support the whole configuration.

Hence, if you want to develop a strong Java program for your business, it is always better to hire a Java programmer online, who is trained, knowledgeable, and experienced to handle everything from head to toe. Even the best IT companies believe in hiring Java programmers online.

Instead of hiring a team of developers, you can hire one single strong source to deal with your programming. This will save your cost and most importantly one seasoned Java developer can troubleshoot a problem much faster.

The following are the top 10 Java frameworks that are widely used by the most seasoned Java developers today:

Top 10 Java Frameworks for Java Developers

Apache Struts

This is one of the most common frameworks available for Java and due to its convenience to use, this remains on the top of the list always. This is beneficial for small teams as it comes with a clean and easy-to-understand code for the framework interface that is independent of HTTP.

The main goal of Apache Struts is to help developers create scalable and maintainable web applications. It does so by providing a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application logic into three distinct components:

  • Model: The model is responsible for managing the data and business logic of the application.
  • View: The view is managed for displaying the data to the user in an appropriate format.
  • Controller: The controller is managed for handling user input and controlling the flow of the application.


Grails is a very dynamic Java framework that allows a developer to write code immediately on it. It is generally used within the Java Virtual Machine and comes in handy with plenty of powerful tools like compile-time metaprogramming, asynchronous programming, and so on.

Grails follows the convention-over-configuration approach, which means that it provides sensible defaults for configuration and eliminates the need for boilerplate code. This allows developers to focus on writing business logic rather than worrying about configuration details


JSF is created and maintained by Oracle and this framework comes with very complex documentation. This is a great framework to create almost any kind of web development application. However, it is not easy to use.

JSF provides a rich set of built-in UI components, such as buttons, forms, tables, and calendars, which can be easily customized and extended. These components are designed to be highly reusable and provide a consistent look and feel across the entire application.

Java Framework also includes a number of advanced features, such as Ajax support, which allows developers to create highly interactive and responsive user interfaces without requiring a full page reload.

Spring MVC

Being one of the oldest Java frameworks, this remains in the favorites list of seasoned Java developers. The framework offers amazing tools to develop amazing web applications and along with that, it provides enough room to develop security features. It is part of the Spring Framework, which provides a comprehensive suite of tools and libraries for developing enterprise-level applications.

Spring MVC provides a number of features and benefits for developers, including:

  1. Flexibility
  2. Dependency Injection
  3. Annotation-Based Programming
  4. Rich Set of Features
  5. Integration


Apache Wicket is a web application framework for building Java-based web applications. Each component in this Java framework that is based on an independent model and hence, it is easier for the developers to use this.

Wicket follows a component-oriented approach, where each component is a reusable UI element that encapsulates its behavior and state. Components can be nested within each other to create complex UI structures, and they can be easily customized and extended.

Overall, Apache Wicket is a powerful and flexible web application framework that provides a rich set of features and benefits for developers. Its component-based architecture, support for modularity and code reuse, and integration with other Java technologies make it an attractive option for building scalable and maintainable web applications.

Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java-based web application framework developed by Google. GWT allows developers to write client-side code in Java and then compile it into optimized JavaScript code that can run in any modern web browser.

GWT provides a number of features and benefits for developers, including:

  1. Java-based Development
  2. Cross-Browser Compatibility
  3. Performance
  4. Debugging
  5. Integration

One of the key benefits of using GWT is its ability to allow developers to write client-side code in Java, which is a familiar language for many developers. It is easier to create web applications without having to learn new programming languages. GWT’s performance optimization and cross-browser compatibility features make it an attractive option for building high-quality web applications.


Hibernate is a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for Java that provides a simple and efficient way to map Java objects to relational database tables. It is an open-source framework that enables developers to perform database operations using object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts.

Hibernate uses a set of annotations and XML configuration files to map Java classes to database tables, making it easy to develop and maintain complex database-driven applications. It supports a wide range of database management systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.


Vaadin is a web application framework for building Java-based web applications with a focus on creating rich, interactive user interfaces. It provides a set of high-level components that can be easily customized and combined to create complex UIs without the need for low-level HTML, CSS, or JavaScript coding.

Vaadin follows a component-based approach where UI components are implemented as Java classes, with their presentation and behavior specified in a declarative manner using Vaadin’s component API. This approach simplifies development by providing a clean separation of concerns between the application logic and the UI, allowing developers to focus on the functionality of their application.

Vert X

Vert.x is a polyglot, event-driven application framework that allows developers to build high-performance, scalable, and reactive applications using Java and other programming languages such as Kotlin, JavaScript, Ruby, and more.


Vert.x is a high-performance, event-driven application framework for building reactive, scalable, and resilient applications on the JVM. It provides a set of libraries and tools for building event-driven, non-blocking applications that can handle high concurrency and scalability requirements.


Java is a versatile programming language that has been widely used for building a variety of applications, including web, mobile, desktop, and enterprise-level applications. With its robust features and strong community support, Java has remained a popular choice among developers for many years.

Java web application development is to have a solid understanding of the language and its best practices, as well as a willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies and techniques.

If a Java programmer online has knowledge of the above-mentioned frameworks, he is a good candidate for your business. Take note of the above frameworks and screen your candidates in a better way.

It is important for you to screen a Java programmer online on the basis of a number of parameters and his ability to work on different Java frameworks is an important one. While hiring your Java developer, you can test him by looking at how well he is able to select the right Java framework for the problem given.

Rahim Ladhani

Rahim Ladhani

CEO and Managing Director