The businesses are in a catch-22 situation while choosing between a mobile app and a website. The Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are somewhere in between which provides the best of both worlds. The PWA can render as web-view in a browser. Mobile eCommerce is the new trend for businesses as it gives them a chance to approach the clients through their app, and people often hire java developer in india to develop the same. The Reach JS is a popular tool, known for its speed and component-driven approach, for developing a scalable web app. This article highlights the key steps required for building a PWA using React JS for mobile.  

PWA – An Overview

A Progressive Web App is nothing but a web app that satisfies the pre-defined criteria set by Google. These criteria are not about a specific technology stack or technology, but a compilation of development standards. The principles to portray a PWA are reliability, performance, and engagement in the same order. There is java developer to hire for achieving these principles. A PWA depicts better responsiveness in the context of the user’s request, even in an offline state. So, it is considered reliable. The performance of a Progressive Web App is on a higher side as it reduces the page load time to a significant extent by using various techniques. It reduces bounce rates considerably. Another important feature of progressive web apps is that they are not required to be downloaded and are available as soon as the user accesses the mobile site of business. Apart from that, the performance is on par with a native mobile app. This boosts user engagement to a new level. Moreover, a PWA can be placed on the home screen as well and works offline as well.

Why React for PWA?

Why-React-for-PWA | Nevina Infotech

Various JavaScript frameworks are available for building a PWA, including Angular, Vue, etc. but React is a better alternative on performance grounds. The foremost benefit of using React is that one can optimize the SEO that, in turn, boosts content discoverability. Google will index the PWA post the client-side JS execution in the browser only. This process is abridged by the React.renderToString method of React to convert the React element into its corresponding HTML, which fastens the process to create HTML on the server. Further, it paces the page load process and authorizes Google to crawl these pages in an SEO context. Organizations generally hire java developers for doing these things, but one should be aware of the benefits of using a particular framework.

Another plus of using React is that the size of the app bundle is optimized. This is possible due to the Async Import feature of React that loads different app component only when it is required by the user. It not only decreases the application size but also enhances its speed.

How to Develop a PWA?

How-to-Develop-a-PWA | Nevina Infotech

The minimal requirements for developing a Progressive Web App with React are web app manifest, registration of a service worker, an app icon, and availability of a secure network. The first pre-requisite is to incorporate manifest.json in the application’s root directory so that the web app becomes installable. The manifest file must have a name, description, splash screen, and icon of the app. Businesses are often looking to hire java developer for preparing this manifest file, but there are tools for aiding the creation of manifest as well.

The next step involves service workers. These service workers are scripts listening to activities including install, fetch, etc. and execute tasks on behalf of the users. They act as a proxy between the application and the network. These are employees driven by events and serves a network request to fetch information. This is used for the storage of data to facilitate offline usage. The icon of the app should also be provided in jpg or other supporting formats. This icon would be visible to the user’s application drawer upon installation.

The Need of a Secure Network

The-Need-of-a-Secure-Network - Nevina Infotech

The availability of a secure network is an important requirement of a React web app to qualify for a Progressive Web App. HTTPS, along with SSL, is a must for winning the trust of users and for avoiding hacking attacks. The usage of service workers and the installation of PWA on the home screen are possible only when it is a secure network. Interestingly one can either hire java developer online or do it on their own for these things.

Concluding Remarks

Concluding-Remarks - Nevina Infotech

The adoption of PWAs as compared to a native mobile app is the game-changer for the eCommerce industry. Businesses looking to hire java developer india for the development of a secure and fast PWA are getting plenty of options. Even eCommerce businesses are looking up for a java developer to hire for getting the proposed advantages of Progressive Web Apps in comparison to a traditional website. To conclude, a PWA amalgamates the plus points of both a traditional website and a native mobile app.

Rahim Ladhani

Rahim Ladhani

CEO and Managing Director